Benefits of Journaling

Rewrite and Rewire Your Brain with Journaling

How Journaling Rewires Your Brain for Mental Well-Being

I’ve been journaling since I was a teenager. At first, it was just a way to make sense of my thoughts—an unfiltered space where I could work through emotions that felt too tangled to say out loud. Over time, I noticed something deeper happening. Writing didn’t just help me vent; it helped me see myself more clearly, to step outside of emotions long enough to understand them. So when I came across the research on how journaling physically rewires the brain, it didn’t feel unbelievable- it felt like a revelation. Finally, science was explaining what I had felt intuitively for years: writing doesn’t just help you process emotions; it changes the way your brain responds to them.

The more I learned, the more exciting it became. Neuroscientists have found that putting words to emotions calms the brain’s fear response, strengthens emotional regulation, and even rewires neural pathways to make us more resilient over time. A few minutes of writing, a pen and a notebook- that’s all it takes to reshape the way we think and feel.

How Writing Changes the Brain

We tend to think of our emotions as intangible, something separate from our bodies. But feelings live in the brain just like everything else, and they have physical pathways that determine how we experience and respond to them. Neuroscientists at UCLA found that when people write about their emotions, the amygdala, the part of the brain that sets off alarm bells, fear, stress, panic, becomes less active. At the same time, the prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for logic and self-regulation, lights up. In other words, writing gives the emotional brain a way to slow down, step back, and let the thinking brain take the lead. Instead of getting hijacked by feelings, journaling lets you step outside of them, name them, and in doing so, change how they affect you.

I’ve felt this myself, that almost imperceptible shift when I start writing something that feels too big to hold. The emotions that were taking up so much space in my chest suddenly feel contained, less chaotic. It’s not that writing erases them, but it makes them manageable.

The Weight of Unspoken Thoughts

I’ve worked with so many people who carry emotions they never speak aloud—grief, anger, fear, the kind of feelings that sit heavy in the body and start to shape the way they move through the world. Sometimes, when they finally say them out loud in therapy, they’re surprised by how much lighter they feel just naming them. Journaling works in a similar way. It externalizes emotions, takes them out of the amorphous mess in your mind, and places them somewhere you can see them. And that simple act—acknowledging what’s there—starts to shift the experience of it.

James Pennebaker, a psychologist who has spent decades studying the effects of expressive writing, found that people who write about their emotions experience lower stress levels, improved immune function, and even faster healing from physical wounds. It’s as if the mind, when given a structured way to process emotions, frees up energy that would otherwise be spent suppressing them. Of course, sometimes it doesn’t feel good right away. Writing can bring up things you weren’t expecting, emotions you’d rather not deal with. But research suggests that even when journaling feels uncomfortable in the moment, it still helps long-term. It’s almost like unclogging a drain—the buildup has to come out first, but once it does, things flow more easily.

When Feeling Too Much Becomes Numbing

There’s a strange paradox when it comes to emotions: the more overwhelming they feel, the more we tend to shut down. I’ve seen this in patients who describe themselves as highly sensitive or empathic: they absorb everything, feel everything, and eventually, they hit a breaking point. (My blog post on Empath(y) addresses this). Journaling, I think, is a way to make emotions tangible without drowning in them. You’re not trying to escape what you feel, but you’re also not letting it swallow you whole. It gives you a structure, a sense of control; not in the sense of forcing emotions into submission, but in knowing that you have somewhere to put them.

This is why I sometimes recommend gratitude journaling, not because I think people should “just focus on the positive” (I hate that kind of toxic positivity), but because our brains naturally fixate on what’s wrong more than what’s right. Gratitude isn’t about denying pain, it’s about expanding the frame and shifting our perspective so that pain isn’t the only thing in view. Neuroscientists at UC Berkeley found that people who practice gratitude journaling show increased levels of dopamine and serotonin, which are the brain’s feel-good chemicals. And over time, this trains the brain to scan for more of what’s good, rather than defaulting to what’s stressful or negative.

Writing As A Mirror

If I had to describe what journaling does in a single phrase, I’d say: it holds up a mirror. It reflects back your thoughts, your patterns, the things you return to over and over again without realizing. Sometimes, seeing things on paper makes you realize how untrue they are. Other times, it reveals something you hadn’t been able to admit to yourself. And sometimes, it just lets you breathe, lets you feel something without needing to immediately fix it. That’s the part that I think is most powerful. We spend so much time trying to solve emotions, as if they’re a puzzle to be completed, when sometimes, they just need space to exist.

The Takeaway

I used to think journaling was just for people who loved to write, but I’ve realized it’s less about writing and more about listening to yourself. It’s about carving out a space where your thoughts and feelings can land, unfiltered, and in doing so, making them feel less heavy.

If you’ve never journaled before, start small. A sentence. A thought. A single word. See what happens when you give your mind room to breathe on the page.

And if you want to go deeper, I’ll be exploring all of this in my upcoming journal therapy group- because while writing alone is powerful, writing in community can be transformative.


If you're curious about the science behind journaling and its effects on the brain, here are some key studies and books that explore it further:

  • Lieberman, M. D., et al. (2007). Putting feelings into words: Affect labeling disrupts amygdala activity in response to affective stimuli. Psychological Science, 18(5), 421-428. [Link]
    (Explains how writing about emotions reduces amygdala activity and strengthens emotional regulation.)

  • Pennebaker, J. W. (1997). Opening up: The healing power of expressing emotions. Guilford Press.
    (A deep dive into expressive writing and how journaling can help with emotional processing, stress, and even physical health.)

  • Pennebaker, J. W., & Beall, S. K. (1986). Confronting a traumatic event: Toward an understanding of inhibition and disease. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 95(3), 274–281.
    (A foundational study showing how writing about emotions leads to reduced stress and improved immune function.)

  • Kross, E., et al. (2014). Self-talk as a regulatory mechanism: How you do it matters. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106(2), 304-324.
    (Explores how journaling and self-reflection help regulate emotions by engaging the prefrontal cortex.)

  • Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377-389.
    (Examines how gratitude journaling increases dopamine and serotonin, improving mood and well-being.)

  • MacGillivray, L. (2009). I feel your pain: Mirror neurons and empathy. The University of British Columbia.
    (Discusses how mirror neurons help us process others’ emotions, offering insight into why journaling about social experiences can be therapeutic.)

  • Smyth, J. M., et al. (1999). Effects of writing about stressful experiences on symptom reduction in patients with asthma or rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized trial. JAMA, 281(14), 1304-1309.
    (Shows how expressive writing leads to measurable physical health improvements.)